Testing takes just a few momentsThe Vision Test Instrument

"For functional fields it is much more sensitive to subtle peripheral visual awareness."

"It shows parents that their child is better able to attend to a greater volume of close up visual material with the near point plus lens because the field maps out larger."

"A most helpful and beneficial use is with adults who complain that they don't have clear vision yet the prescription has not changed and all ocular health findings are normal.  The instruments shows large blind spots or spiraling shrinking fields or smaller fields."

Expands the vision evaluation.   Takes 3 to 4 minutes.

The Vision Test Instrument

Visual Awareness Fields, Functional Fields, Blind Spots, Central Retinal Suppressions,TBI Screening and Documentation

  • Field and Blind Spot Evaluation are important visual analysis elements especially where Attention Deficit is being considered, and in cases where Behavior and Learning Disorders are present.

  • Visual Attention Field Deflection and Compression is a key factor in learning disabilities.  Document with this instrument.

  • The Instrument is also valuable in closed head injury/TBI screening and in showing and documenting benefit of the near-task low plus lens.

  • Instrument package: instructions, handheld kinetic target, marking pencil, field comparison chart, and chart paper records

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